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December 4, 2014

Digital Scrapbook

Link to my photoshow slideshow                              My Smilebox slideshow is embedded             

            I've taken my pictures and made slideshows on two different sites Photoshow and Smilebox. They are similar obviously because they both make slide shows but Smilebox is more animated than Photoshow. Photoshow has more moving objects than Smilebox.
            Smilebox is very easy to figure out for people who haven't used it before. You just upload your photos then drag them where you want them to go. The uploading didn't take long. The only problem is I haven't figured out how to embed my slideshow here yet. It has a pretty clear display. Overall it is a pretty effective website.
             Photoshow isn't that hard to figure out either although it may just take a little longer to figure it out than Smilebox. Whats cool about it is you can have animated backgrounds. I have an animated beach background which is nice. It also has a clear display like Smilebox does. Its also an effective website.
             In the future i will probably use Smilebox more than Photoshow because it has an assortment of nice backgrounds and effects you can put into some slideshows with your pictures. It's also easier to use than Photoshow. It also allows to be a little more creative than photoshow.

December 1, 2014

Contact Sheet Assignment

I made this assignment by going out and taking pictures of various things from various views then I used Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 bit). I went to the file menu and selected automate then went to Contact Sheet II. I then adjusted my contact sheet to be 8x10 and have a resolution of 150 pixels per inch. Then I made the contact sheet have 3 columns and 5 rows so it could fit all 15 photos. I turned it from a PSD file into a JPG file then saved it. Now it's here.
This is my favorite photo because I think it turned out well and this kind of plant used to grow a lot in North Carolina.
This is one of my favorite photos because its a picture of my friend Corey.
I like this because i like to draw and it looks like it took a long time to draw.
I like this because it is one of the first things I see at school almost everyday
unless I'm late.
I like this one because blue is my favorite color

November 20, 2014


I don't know much about photography because i don't take hardly any photos.

November 11, 2014


            An info-graphic is a diagram used to represent information. A good info-graphic has focused data and a clear design. An info-graphic will grab the readers attention and then present them with information. This is a good example of an info-graphic about Which Governments Demand Google Remove Information
infographics6 40 Insightful (Yet Deadly Creative) Infographics

October 9, 2014

Post 2: My favorite app

                            My favorite app is YouTube because i watch a lot of video-game videos.
If I see a game that looks cool I might watch a video about it to see if I want it or not. Pretty much i use it to preview games a lot or if I'm bored I'll watch funny videos. It keeps me entertained a lot.

October 7, 2014



                  My favorite part of the city is the Skate Park because I'm learning how to skate board with a skate board my aunt bought as a present when i moved to Overland Park from Wilmington, North Carolina. Its was nice of her to do that.

Image used
Zoo York Skateboard. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.

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